Exploring the latest trends in web development, that could be useful in our daily strugles of making our code better.Latest Articles
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Tailwind CSS v4 is out!
Tailwind CSS 4.0 enhances web development with new features, performance boost and more.- Published on

Alpine.js: jQuery for the Modern Web
If you are looking for a jQuery replacement, Alpine could be the thing you need. It's simple to use, lightweight and fun to use.- Published on

Meet the New CSS Hero: text-wrap: pretty
Tired of that one word left hanging at the end of your paragraph? Here's a quick fix.- Published on

Unlocking the Power of CSS Nesting: A Game Changer for Your Stylesheets
Do we need SCSS any more? With the introduction of native CSS nesting, the need for preprocessors like SCSS is less critical, as modern browsers now support cleaner and more maintainable nested rules.- Published on
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